
You, reading this, do you have that one person, that person whom you see when you close your eyes to engulf your mind with dreams? Do you have that one person that when you think about the future you vision them standing next to you with time going in slow motion? Well I do. I'm lucky enough to have her. I have found that one woman whom astonishes me, whom is sexy as fuck, beautiful, and she loves a lot of the same things i do.

So this is to you Vegas girl, shay from harlenandshay; I fucking want you for the rest of my life. I don't think you will ever know how much you mean to me so you know what? I'm going to show you baba booie. I'm being completely honest when I say you really are the most sexy women i have ever talked to; you have a perfect body, amazing smile, stunning eyes and your long Hair mesmerizes me.

You introduced me to dubstep and it has become one of my loves. I can't wait for you to sit on my lap and play video games with you, watch the cabin in the woods with you in my arms, play left 4 dead with you (not halo ;) ) and go to the EDC with you for 3 days straight.

You really are wonderful to me and I will forever be greatful to have you in my life and i can't wait to have the most beautiful philipino/white babies with you. Can you imagine how incredible they will be?

Well babe this is where I say my goodbye for this post, I love you! You possess the unique ability to fill me up with happiness with only one word. You can make me smile even at my very lowest. A day without you is a day spent without smiling once. You're always on my mind. No matter how much I try to deny it...I'm in love with you.

P.S. you're my Twinkie <3

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