


*I am writing this on February 16 at 11:21pm*

While i was at my dead end job tonight, my mind was not on the ice cream i was scooping or the shakes i was mixing; but rather on my life. Oh how my life has been so cruel to me: people make fun of me all the time, people ignore me, people hate me, and talk bad about me. I know I have made some mistakes in my past, I used to want sex from girls all the time but i have in the past had relationships that i wanted the girl for her, not for sex but for companionship, for love, for happiness, and for a reason to keep waking up everyday. Everyone has needs and sometimes for me that is sex but i am growing as a person, my need now is for someone who I can love and who would love me too, a best friend I just fucking need someone to fill this hole that is slowly growing and gradually tearing me apart.

No one really knows how my life has been, how it is still. Maybe just maybe if some people knew maybe i could be treated better by people and not be in such hell. We are all trying to make the best out if our lives so why not join together in happiness, not bully, not fight, not kill, not hate, and not try to break one another down. Life is slowly killing us so why not make it better for the time we have.

I don't know who is reading this or how many are, but if you never think about anything i say, please for the serenity of life: do not bully people because you never know what that person is going through, you may lead them to an early death or possibly yours.

This has taken me a long time to type and I'm actually forgetting everything i was wanton to type in this note so i guess this is the end of another one.

"There are many ways to move forward but only one way of doing nothing."

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