


I have been talking to and hanging out with the beautiful girl from previous posts. She seems to really like me, I don't know why of course. I will be spending time with my best friend, my dad from the 22nd through the 28th in Arlington. I'm glad that I am spending christmas with him because I never really had a happy christmas when I had christmas with my mom, I'm not talking about gifts, gifts don't really matter much anymore, it's the happiness that I feel when I am around loving people who make my life amazing which my mom doesn't. My father is my hero and he will forever be. I am not really sure what I would do without him to mentor me and help me get through lifes troubles. When I visited him for 45 days over the summer, I felt like I had a family, like I belonged.

"My father gave me the greatest gift anyone could give another person, he believed in me.” - Jim Valvano

I surrounded by those who are my friends in yearbook, whom I told about this site and would like to be included in a post. Harley "Big Joan" Harrell , Meredith Simpson, Abby Price, Avery Hopper, Maddie Jensen, & Emilee Delgado.
The beautiful girl from the previous post and me worked out. We hung out at lunch and we had a great time. She doesnt have a cell phone which is why she did not text back. There is a reason why, one it is a landline and two is another reason that I would not like to discuss. Not a very long post today but they can't all be long :)

I'm sitting in my first period class when I write this on a piece of paper in my spiral.

    I'm soposed to be doing my semester review for chemistry right now but I can't focus on it. I am thinking about this girl who is incredibly beautiful. The only thing is, she gave me her phone number and when I texted her she never replied. She was with her ugly friend this morning and her friend said hi, she said nothing. She was soposed to hang out with me this morning. Yesterday everything seemed fine, we were flirting and laughing.

    The second thing I am thinking about is us, humans. I have for a long time been intrigued with people, the places we have been, the places we will go, the journey that each of us is going to make through our lives. The people who are sitting in this room right not, are never going to all be together again. Some witth go to college, some will die an early death, some may become famous, some may be homeless or lonley or addicts. Knowing that I will problably never see 99.9% of anyone friend or foe, after I leave high school makes me extreamly sad.

    The third thing on my mind is my past, all of the fun I have had. The times when all life outside of that moment was non-existent to me. Times when I did not worry about work, grades, my mom, fights, being cool, being dumb, being lonley, and fitting in. All of the things that I wish to happen in my future, the raves, the money, the drugs, the family, the happiness, the nice house and nice car.

    Finally the fourth thing on my mind is what are others around me thinking about? Is it anything remotely close to what is Plaguing mine?
    Wekk the silence is broken and class will soon end. So I must finish. I will type what you are reading in my next period.

    "Absence makes the heart grow fond
Yesterday I got in a lot of trouble. My mom found out that I was failing in three classes. In math models I have 6 or 9 zeros. I hate my teacher, she is a terrible person. She is extreamly passive agressive. I had to sit and do as much as I understood on the papers last night while my mom was sitting across the table yelling and lecturing me. I contemplated not living anymore because everything just keeps building up and it's killing me. I don't understand why I have to have the mom I do, to be treated the way I do, it's incredible.
    Today I have to get help on the things I could not understand on the papers afterschool. I will get another lecture and get screamed at tonight I'm sure of it. The single thing that is keeping me going is my father. I could never let him lose his son. 

    I just found out last night in the mist of all the problems, I'm spending Christmas with him. Finally. Escape.

"Be the change you want to see in the world" - Gandi
Today has started off ok. Not much is really going on. Tonight is the homecoming football game (which I'm not attending because I hate football) so there's a pep rally today and pictures are to be taken for the yearbook. I'm going to try and get to take pictures so I don't have to stand in the bleachers for 45 minutes. I do not have "school spirit" and I'm not a loud, obnoxious person. So it would be ideal for me to photograph.
    I'm about to have to present my logo project in DIM (digital interactive media) which I didn't really try with it so a bad grade is certian.
    "Be the change you want to see in the world" -Gandi